Advertising on Cyphoma
Make your ad in 5 minutes on Cyphoma !
You only pay when users click on your ad !
Cyphoma is a powerful medium that lets you optimize your company’s visibility. It encourages and helps to put buyers and sellers in contact with each other.
You just need a website or a Facebook page to advertise on our website with our partner Google. Through simple, relevant targeting, your campaign will quickly become highly effective. And regardless of your budget since you only pay for results.
In 5 steps, your campaign is online :
1/ Login to Google Adwords
Go to then log in using your Google account to start creating your campaign.
If you do not have a Google account, you can create one quickly. Just click on the “Start now” tab and follow the directions.
2/ Create a campaign
If you already have existing Adwords campaigns, select the “Campaigns” tab on the homepage, then “New Campaign” in order to configure the settings for your campaign on Cyphoma.
Otherwise, follow the instructions to create your first campaign.
3/ Selecting your campaign settings
Fill out the following information precisely.
a/ Put Cyphoma for the “Campaign Name”.
b/ Check that the “Locations and Languages” suggested are OK.
c/ Go to “Networks and devices”. For Networks, select “Let me choose...”.
Unselect “Google search”, and in “Display Network”, select “Specific reach”.
4 / Fill in the other information based on your criteria and hit “Save and Continue”.
Fill out the rest of the information to create your ad. This concerns the appearance of your ad on Cyphoma.
Follow the format of the example if necessary.
If you have banners, you can add them via Image ad.
You can also create one using the creation tool offered by Google.
To publish your ad on our website, enter “” in the “Placements” box.
5) Continue your campaign
Continue and finish creating your campaign.
Your ad is online !
It will be visible within a few hours !