Saint BarthélemyEmployment, Internships & TrainingsEmployment › Automotive maintenance agent/conveyor

Automotive maintenance agent/conveyor

Ad of 27/08/2024

Salary : 2,200

  • Type of Contract : Permanent
  • Experience required : Rookie accepted
  • Qualification : Salarié

Grand Cul-de-Sac



Centre Auto SBH is looking for a Car Care Agent/Conveyor - 2200 euro/net

Full-time job offer:

- Recovery and routing of vehicles
- Interior / exterior cleaning of vehicles
- Perform visual checks of security elements
- B permit MANDATORY

! Possibility of accommodation!

Contact the advertiser :

Centre Auto SBH
Centre Auto SBH Professional 794 063 040
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Classified Saint BarthélemyEmployment, Internships & TrainingsEmployment › Automotive maintenance agent/conveyor