Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard
Ad of 10/07/2016

- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #0
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #1
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #2
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #3
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #4
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #5
- Bluetooth Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard Saint Martin #6
Price : € 35
Saint Martin
Keyboard - wireless - Bluetooth - top of range Retroecoairage orange on function keys.
Slim aluminum, rechargeable.
Colour lacquered black and aluminium.
comes with Base and dongle Bluetooth for PC or MAC.
French (Azerty)
TouchDisc, PerfectStroke pad touch integrated
PerfectStroke key system
A microcharnieres of precision mechanism evenly distributes the force of striking on the surface of each button, thus making the seizure comfortable, fluid and silent. Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard will give you a near perfect typing experience!
Rechargeable quickly and easily
Only two hours on the basis of load are sufficient to obtain autonomy for the use of two months. No need to replace batteries or interrupting your work.
Bluetooth wireless technology
Bluetooth wireless technology ensures smooth and safe operation up to 9 meters of distance.
Enjoy freedom of movement!
A design ultra-fine, sober and elegant, ideal to accompany your high range computers
-The ultimate in terms of feelings and responses
-Revolutionary system TouchDisc featuring a ultra fast scrolling and a pixel-precise control
-Thin recharging base, coupled with a keyboard base
-Long-lasting lithium-ion batteries
-Bluetooth wireless technology
Bought nine €126 sold €35
Comes with a rechargeable Logitech MX cordless mouse.